Syndrome of hypotension-hyperkinesia. Chorea or chorea like syndrome?


О. Є. Коваленко
Р. А. Валько


One of the varieties of hyperkinesia, characterized by rapid, involuntary, disordered movements in the limbs and trunk, is chorea. With this disease, a nonrhythmic contraction of the different in location and function of muscle groups occurs. The term "chorea" is used to refer to both independent diseases in which choreic hyperkinesis is the leading manifestation, and a number of syndromes that arise in various diseases.

Chorea as a syndrome can be in the composition of such hereditary extrapyramidal diseases as hepatocerebral dystrophy (Wilson Konovalov's disease), Lesch Nichin syndrome, and paroxysmal choreoathetosis. Therefore, in order to establish such diagnoses, attention should be paid to the presence of other clinico paraclinical manifestations inherent in these pathologies, that is, the patient needs differential diagnosis


How to Cite
Коваленко, О. Є., & Валько, Р. А. (2017). Syndrome of hypotension-hyperkinesia. Chorea or chorea like syndrome?. Family Medicine, (4(72), 65–69.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

О. Є. Коваленко, Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика, м. Київ

O.E. Kovalenko

Р. А. Валько, Клінічна лікарня No 15 Подільського району м. Києва

R.A. Valko