Main aspects of organization and development of municipal CDCs based on the results of sociological survey of physicians


В. В. Кравченко


The results of the sociological survey of physicians are an important informational component for scientifically based management in the health care system.

The objective: conduct a comparative analysis of the organization of medical care in public and private consultative and diagnostic centers (CDCs), based on the materials of a sociological survey of physicians, to identify the main organizational problems and prospects for the development of communal CDCs.

Patients and methods. According to a specially developed program in 2017, a sociological study was conducted in Kiev, which involved 411 doctors from communal and 106 from private CDCs.

Results. According to the results of a survey of physicians, the main organizational problems of communal CDCs are: insufficient legal and economic autonomy, lack of financing, unsatisfactory material and technical equipment, lack of economic motivation for staff, ineffective management of the institution. The opinion of physicians on the necessary changes in the organization of work of the CDCs and on the introduction of public private partnership in the outpatient clinic was received.

Conclusions. For optimization of CDCs organization, according to physicians opinion, it is necessary to implement the changing of legal and economic form of CDC. Formation of new organizational models based on the principles of public private partnership is a promising direction for the development of CDCs.


How to Cite
Кравченко, В. В. (2017). Main aspects of organization and development of municipal CDCs based on the results of sociological survey of physicians. Family Medicine, (4(72), 52–56.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

В. В. Кравченко, Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика, м. Київ

V.V. Kravchenko


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