The effectiveness of the vasonate and entrop in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in the complex therapy of patients with toxic hepatitis
The aim of the study. To establish the efficacy of meldonium (vasonate) and phenylpyracetam (entrop) in the complex therapy of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with acute toxic hepatitis.
Material and methods of research. 64 patients with toxic hepatitis were examined. The examined patients (48 persons) who were diagnosed with TH of the 1 and 2 stages of HE were divided into 2 representative groups. The control group of patients (20 people) received the traditional therapy of TH complicated by HE: infusion therapy with detoxification solutions (reosorbilact, reamberine, hepazole neo), gipoamoneiemic hepatoprotector (hepa-merc) therapy, lactulose, enterosorption, plasmapheresis No3. The main group (28 persons), in addition to adequate detoxification, hypoammonemic therapy, received the drug Maldonium (vazonate) at a dose of 1000 mg/day intravenously for 10 days with the transition to enteral administration of the vazonate 500 mg/day for 20 days, and аlso, the preparation phenylpyracetam (entrop) 100 mg daily in the morning for 30 days. The study of subjective and objective status was conducted daily. Investigation of biochemical parameters of the functional state of the liver, ultrasonographic examination of the liver and assessment of the neurological status were carried out before treatment, on the 15th day of treatment, after the treatment and 1 month after treatment.
Results. Complex therapy with the use of, apart from basic,, meldonium and phenylpyraсetam has proved to be an effective treatment for patients with TH and manifestations of HE. There was also observed a significant positive dynamics of clinical manifestations of HE with a decrease in cognitive impairment, depression, improvement of the psycho-emotional state, elimination of motor disorders in patients with TH, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of the comprehensive neuropsychometric testing and EEG-study.
Conclusion. The use of meldonium (vazonat) and phenylpyraсetam (entrop) during the month is an effective means of pathogenetic ther apy for patients with toxic hepatitis and hepatic encephalopathy.
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