Continuous professional development of family medicine teachers is a priority of the system health in Europe (Based on the training course «Leonardo EURACT Level 1» in Saloniki, Gretsia, May 25 27, 2017)


С. Г. Малащенко
І. В. Климась


The article presents an overview of the event of an international training course for teachers in family medicine «Leonardo EURACT Level 1 Course for Teachers in Family Medicine», which was held May 25–27, 2017 in Saloniki, Greece.


How to Cite
Малащенко, С. Г., & Климась, І. В. (2017). Continuous professional development of family medicine teachers is a priority of the system health in Europe (Based on the training course «Leonardo EURACT Level 1» in Saloniki, Gretsia, May 25 27, 2017). Family Medicine, (4(72), 35–37.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

С. Г. Малащенко, Вінницький національний медичний університет

S.G. Malashchenko

І. В. Климась, Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика, м. Київ

I.V. Klimas