Effect of compositional analysis of the body on gallbladder functional state in patients with chronic diseases of the biliary system against the background of obesity


І. А. Якубовська


The development of chronic diseases of gallbladder is closely associated with disorders of its functional state.

The objective: to conduct dynamic echosonography (DESG) of gallbladder with choleretic breakfast to evaluate functional state of gallbladder.

Patients and methods. There were 124 patients aged 31–55with  chronic diseases of the biliary system (CDBS) against the background of obesity. There was performed determination of compositional analysis of the body and functional state of gallbladder.

Results. Determination of the gallbladder volume on an empty stomach in healthy persons and patients with CDBS against the background of obesity showed that in patients with both the primary and control groups the gallbladder volume was 1,37 and 1,36 times higher than in healthy individuals (р<0,01).

Conclusion. The obtained data may indicate that the functional state of gallbladder is influenced by the percentage of adipose tissue in the body of patients. An increase in the mass of adipose tissue against the background of a relative lack of muscle tissue contributes to an increase in the volume of the gallbladder and a decrease in its contractile force.


How to Cite
Якубовська, І. А. (2017). Effect of compositional analysis of the body on gallbladder functional state in patients with chronic diseases of the biliary system against the background of obesity. Family Medicine, (3(71), 145–147. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.3(71).2017.116859
Author Biography

І. А. Якубовська, Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика, м. Київ

І. Yakubovskaya


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