Emergency and disaster medicine for family doctors: challenges of the modern life


Л. В. Хіміон
Г. Г. Рощін


The constant increase in frequency and number of all kinds of disasters globally requires proper training for all physicians but especially for family doctors who are at the front line of community defense, response and recovering.

The objective: to evaluate the knowledge and skills of residents and experienced family doctors in disaster medicine (DM) and emergency medicine (EM) using specially developed questionnaire to determine the priority topics for the improving of the curriculum in EM and DM.

Patients and methods. The answers of 268 physicians – 156 (57,8% residents and 113 (42,2%) experienced specialists in family medicine) to 11 questions of the questionnaire about EM and DM were analyzed.

Results. The group of certified family doctors demonstrated in general better knowledge in EM and DM than residents except of triage, both groups have overall not satisfactory skills in emergency plan activity, care of contaminated victims, acting in case of nuclear, bacterial and chemical (NBC) disasters.

Conclusion. The system of training in EM and DM in Ukraine needs reforming and improvement, including the implementa tion of the international life support skills (BLS, ALS: ACLS, ATLS, APLS) in medical curriculum, development of training and simulative classes, mastering in reaction plan of emergency medical system (EMS), care of contaminated victims, activities in case of NBC disasters; basic tactic medicine.


How to Cite
Хіміон, Л. В., & Рощін, Г. Г. (2017). Emergency and disaster medicine for family doctors: challenges of the modern life. Family Medicine, (3(71), 23–26. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.3(71).2017.115875
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Author Biographies

Л. В. Хіміон, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

L. Khimion

Г. Г. Рощін, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

G. Roshchin


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