Use of the drug Rehydron Bio in the complex therapy of rotavirus infection
Objective: to study efficiency of using the drug Rehydron Bio in the treatment of rotavirus infection (RVI) in children.
Materials and methods. The study included 58 children aged from 3 to 8 years, who were treated in Odesa City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital because of RVI. Patients of the main group (n = 26) received basic therapy that included that included low lactose diet, intestinal antiseptic nifuroxazide in the age medium therapeutic dose, chelators and enzymes.. For the purpose of oral rehydration main group of patients received the drug Rehydron Bio that produced by «Orion Corporation» (Finland) rate 3–6 days. The control group included 32 children who, along with basic treatment for oral rehydration used rehydron, sweetened tea and degassed mineral water. During hospitalization patients conducted a comprehensive survey, which included an objective review of clinical and biochemical blood and urine.
Results. During the using of the drug Rehydron Bio, the necessity for infusion therapy for rehydration aim occurred significantly less often, which confirms its high efficiency. Conclusion. Use of the drug Rehydron Bio for the purpose of oral rehydration in children with rotavirus infection contributed to the rapid improvement of the patient, eliminating the symptoms of toxicity, and dehydration, reduced the need for the appointment of infusion therapy, which indicates its high efficiency and give an opportunity to recommend the drug for oral rehydration in patients with viral diarrhea.

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