The complex biochemical study of the content of glycolisis in erythrocytes of active blood donors
The objective: Research purpose: to study the dynamics of maintenance of glucoso-6-phosphatdegidrogenase in the red corpuscles of peripheral venous blood of active donors.
Patients and methods. 76 donors were inspected in age from 19 to 56 years (48 men and 28 women). The content of iron in the blood whey (SZH) and index of general iron binding ability of the whey (OZHSS) were determined by batofenantrolin method. The index of the unsaturated iron binding ability of the whey (NZHSS) was calculated as a difference between OZHSS and SZH. The coefficient of saturation of transferrin by iron (KNTZH) was determined as correlation of maintenance of SZH to OZHSS. The contents of transferrin (TF) was determined on the index of OZHSS, ferritin (FN) by a radiometric method.
Results. The main indicators of iron metabolism and existence of glucoso-6-phosphatdegidrogenase in erythrocytes of active blood donors due to donor experience were studied during the process of correction of the revealed breaches by iron sulfate.
Conclusion. The revealed changes prove that long term donation directly depends on number of donations, term of donation and is associated by formation of latent iron deficiency.

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