Diagnostics and treatment of postoperative neuropathies of the trigeminal nerve in its bruises and stretching
The objective: to study the dynamics of changes in electrophysiological indices of soft tissues innervated by II and III branches of the trigeminal nerve with its bruises and stretching, which arise in patients after surgical remove of tumors and tumor like jaw formations, and also determine the possibility of using the hardware software complex «DIN-1» for the treatment of these neuropathies.
Patients and methods. a survey and treatment of neurological complications in 180 patients after surgical remove of tumors and tumor-like formations of the upper and lower jaws was performed.
Results. based on the survey, we found that the determination of electrophysiological indices of soft tissues innervated by II and III branches of the trigeminal nerve in cases after performing operations to remove benign neoplasms of the jaws is not only a diagnostic criterion for the severity of damage to the trigeminal nerve in the surgical wound, but also can serve as a prognostic criterion, which indicates the timing of recovery of the nerve.
Conclusions. The use of hardware-software complex «DIN-1» in the treatment allowed to reduce the treatment of all patients with neuropathies caused by bruises of the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve by a factor of 2, and by 1,5 times the duration of treatment of patients with neuropathies caused by their stretching.

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