Antiviral therapy of patients with influenza A
Traditionally the influenza is an important problem of modern medicine. The risk is determined primarily by the severity of the complications, in some cases, exacerbates chronic somatic diseases. This requires the use for the treatment of antiviral drugs with direct antiviral effect. The list of their very limited there are two main groups of drugs having direct antiviral effects: blockers of M2 channels (rimantadine) and neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir).
The objective: was to examine the effectiveness of Remavir/riman tadine in patients with moderate course of influenza and its out comes.
Patients and methods. It was examined 28 patients with influenza, who received rimantadine scheme with no hereditary history, 18 patients with influenza a (control group) was administered patho genetic and symptomatic therapy.
Conclusion. Аntiviral remantadin’s therapy of influenza is effective still: at the patients with a moderate course a therapy has been result ed in a shortening of intoxication syndrome and catarrhal phenome non, and for the increase of frequency complications too.
Results. Сonfirmed the positive impact of Remavir on the course of influenza. Its inclusion in the treatment of patients with the moder ate course led to a statistically significant reduction in the duration of symptoms of intoxication and catarrhal symptoms, reduce the incidence of complications. Tolerability is good, side effects were recorded.

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