The efficiency of the use of vitamin mineral preparations to prevent complications in patients with diabetes in the practice of doctor family medicine


І. М. Безкоровайна
І. С. Стебловська


We studied 65 patients who had cataracts of varying degrees of densi ty that was complicated by the presence of diabetic retinopathy. The first group of patients participated vitamin mineral preparations in pre – and postoperative period. The second group of patients to drug ther apy was not carried out. According to optical coherence tomography, we carried out a control of changing the morphology of the retina in patients of both groups at different times of observation. We found, that the best anatomical, physiological and clinical outcomes after cataract removal was observed in the group of patients, who under went a course of medical therapy.


How to Cite
Безкоровайна, І. М., & Стебловська, І. С. (2016). The efficiency of the use of vitamin mineral preparations to prevent complications in patients with diabetes in the practice of doctor family medicine. Family Medicine, (2(64), 103–105.
Author Biographies

І. М. Безкоровайна, ВДНЗУ «Українська медична стоматологічна академія», м. Полтава

I.M. Bezkorovaуna

І. С. Стебловська, ВДНЗУ «Українська медична стоматологічна академія», м. Полтава

I.S. Steblovska


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