Level of circulating immune complexes and monocyte phagocytic activity in patients with the thyroid gland diseases dwelling on the territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster
There has been observed an increase in the incidence of diffuse goiter of I, II, III degrees, which correlates with the changes in immunity in residents who live in the territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster.
The objective: to evaluate the levels of circulating immune complexes and monocyte phagocytic activity in patients with diffuse goiter of I, II, III degrees, who live in the most radioactively contaminated terri tories of Ukraine for the development of more effective methods of immunomodulation using Immodin on the basis of new data.
Patients and methods. The level of circulating immune complexes in the blood serum was determined by spectrophotometry, monocyte phagocytic activity was studied by original cup method with the cal culation of phagocytic indexes: phagocytic number (PN), phagocytic index (PI), index of thyroid antigen digestion (ID). The control group consisted of 20 blood donors.
Results. It has been shown that patients with diffuse goiter of I, II, III degrees of severity, who live in RCT of Ukraine have the changes of the immunity due to significant manifestations of the autoimmune process and indices of the phagocytic system. There has been regis tered the most pronounced increase of middle and low molecular cir culating immune complexes, while the indices of high molecular cir culating immune complexes almost have not changed in comparison with the control. After traditional treatment the indices of low molec ular and middle molecular circulating immune complexes are signifi cantly high.
Conclusions. To reduce inflammation we recommend the use of the necessary immune corrective immunotherapy using Immodin transfer factor, which promotes the excretion of low molecular and medium molecular circulating immune complexes of the human body.

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