Cognitive-affective disorders in post-stroke period in patients with metabolic syndrome
Introduction: analysis of the effectiveness and safety of treatment of cognitive and affective narusheniy in the post-stroke period in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) with the use of the drug Noofen®. The peculiarity of the work was clinical and neuroimaging comparison of MRI findings with cognitive impairment patients with and without MC.
Research methods and materials. Conducted a survey of 50 patients after ischemic stroke with cognitive and affective disorders in age from 47 to 81 years (30 patients – main group: the standard treatment for 28 days was added Noofen®. 20 patients control group – standard treatment according to local protocols, without Noofen®). MRI scanner Toshiba Vantage Titan 1,5 T and workstation for post-processing images Vitrea determines the area of the corpus callosum (cm2).
Research findings and discussion. It has been shown that in patients with MS after ischemic stroke often develop pathological fatigue, depression and anxiety disorders. After treatment, the indicators of the scales MMSE, MOCA, and tables Schulte significantly improved in the group of patients who received Noofen® and was determined a positive influence on pathological fatigue, anxiety. Comparison of the area of the corpus callosum in patients after stroke with and without MS showed a decrease in the size area in patients with MS. This probably reflects damage to the Association fibers, which are held in it and play an important role in providing the integrative activity of the brain. The consequence is found the correlation between the change of its area and the severity of cognitive impairment on the MOCA’ scale.
Conclusions. Diagnosis of cognitive and emotional disorders in patients with MS in the early and late post-stroke periods can reduce pathological manifestations of fatigue, anxiety, depression, improve memory’yat, attention, speed of speech and is quicker to restore lost function. Measurement of the corpus callosum allow to predict disorders in cognitive and emotional spheres. The use of drug Noofen® in early and late post-stroke period contributes to the restoration of neurological deficit, cognitive functions and normalizes the emotional state of patients.

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