Age related clinical fetures of chronic heart failure and structural functional changes in the heart on the background of overweight and obesity


П. П. Бідзіля


Age related clinical features of chronic heart failure and structural functional changes of the heart on the background of overweight and obesity are investigated. Found that with age there is an increase in the functional class of the disease, the frequency of permanent form of atri al fibrillation, systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle, pulmonary hypertension on the background of dilatation of the left atrium and concentric myocardial hypertrophy. In elderly and senile age is often combined etiology of chronic heart failure and gradual reduction of body mass index.


How to Cite
Бідзіля, П. П. (2015). Age related clinical fetures of chronic heart failure and structural functional changes in the heart on the background of overweight and obesity. Family Medicine, (2(64), 83–86.
Author Biography

П. П. Бідзіля, Запорізький державний медичний університет

P. Bidzilya


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