Atrial fibrillation in elderly patients with chronic heart failure and anemia syndrome


С. О. Шейко


There was studied impact of anemia syndrome (AS) on the rate and structure of arterial fibrillation (AF) in elderly patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) of ischemic genesis ІІ–ІV functional class (FC).     AS aggravates course of the disease and promotes CHF progress of    ischemic genesis. AF was diagnosed in 21,4% patients with CHF and   AS. Early development of constant or persisting AF form is typical for  the patients of this. This is linked with more marked dilatation, fibrosis development and probably with progressing electric remodeling of the left atrium (LA). In patients with CHF and AS from II to IV functional class on the background of hemodynamic overloading of LA and probable impact of anemia there was registered gradual exhausting of its contractile reserve. Paroxysmal form of AF was diagnosed in 4,5% of patients, in 69,7% – persisting and in 25,8% – constant form. In elderly patients with CHF without AS AF was diagnosed rare – in 17,8%,     and its structure paroxysmal form dominated (in 69,2% of patients;    p<0,05 as compared to patients with CHF and AS). Cases of constant   form of AF in patients with CHF without AS were not registered  (p<0,05).


How to Cite
Шейко, С. О. (2015). Atrial fibrillation in elderly patients with chronic heart failure and anemia syndrome. Family Medicine, (2(64), 80–82.
Author Biography

С. О. Шейко, ДЗ «Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України»

S.О. Sheiko


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