High blood pressure in young adults with obesity
The objective: to estimate the prevalence and distribution of arterial hypertension and risk factors of high blood pressure in young adults with overweight and obesity.
Patients and methods. The study was conducted in a group of 42 persons of both genders aged from 18 to 44 years: 22 patients were obese or overweight and 20 healthy controls with normal body mass index. The evaluation of the main (demographics, body mass index, lifestyle, lipids, blood pres sure) and additional (high sensitive C reactive protein, uric acid, insulin resistance) cardiovascular risk factors has been performed; the atherosclerosis development has been evalu ated by ultrasound method with measurement of the surro gate atherosclerosis markers (intima media thickness, ather osclerotic plaques in carotid arteries).
Results. High blood pressure (BP) was found in 5 (22,7%), smoking 16 (72,74%), sedentary lifestyle 13 (59%), dyslipi demia 8 (36,4%), hyperuricemia 5 (22,7%), prediabetes 8 (36,4%), insulin resistance state 4 (20%), thickening of IMT ≥ 0,9 mm in 10 (45,5%), atherosclerosis plaques in 5 (22,7%). Body mass index was strongly positively correlated to BP, plasma total cholesterol, low density cholesterol, plasma triglyceride and fasting glucose level, also the medium positive correlation was estimated between HOMA index and CRP level (r=0,39), which could be the sign of higher subclinical level of inflammatory process in obese and overweigh patients which further influences the atherosclerosis development.
Conclusion. High blood pressure was more frequent in sub jects with overweight and obesity than in controls. In group of patients with overweight and obesity the most frequent risk factors were dyslipidemia and smoking

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