The efficiency of usage of the drug nasal Spray with sea water «Pshik» in complex therapy of patients in the postoperative period


В. І. Нестерчук


Studied positive impact of the drug nasal Spray with sea water «Pshik» of Ltd «Farmak» in the postoperative period in patients with subsequent pathology: a deviated septum, chronic hyper trophic rhinitis, chronic polypus haimorotomy. According to the results of clinical examination during the treatment was observed positive dynamics of changes in the majority of com plaints and symptoms in the postoperative period. Nasal spray with sea water «Pshik» has a positive effect on the recovery of the transport function of ciliated epithelium. The product is rec ommended for use in clinical practice after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity.


How to Cite
Нестерчук, В. І. (2016). The efficiency of usage of the drug nasal Spray with sea water «Pshik» in complex therapy of patients in the postoperative period. Family Medicine, (2(64), 64–67.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

В. І. Нестерчук, ДУ Інститут отоларингології імені проф. О.С. Коломійченко НАМН України, м. Київ

V.I. Nesterchuk


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