Medicamentous correction of endothelial dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension and inflammatory diseases of joints
The goal of the present study was to investigate the state of endothelial function in patients with arterial hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis and to assess the capabilities of its correction by means of L-lysine aescinat.
Material and methods. The study was conducted in two phases. At the first phase we conducted assessment of endothelial function state in patients with arterial hypertension combined with rheumatoid arthritis, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and in patients with arterial hypertension. For evaluation of endothelial function we used ultrasound method for determining the endothelium-dependent vasodilation of the brachial artery. In the second phase of conducted study we examined the effectiveness of the addition of L-lysine aescinat to the basic antihypertensive and anti1inflammatory therapy in the correction of endothelial function in patients of the above mentioned groups.
Results. It was determined that patients with rheumatoid arthritis in combination with arterial hypertension have a more significant endothelial dysfunction compared with those one in patients with rheumatoid arthritis without hypertension and subjects with hypertension without rheumatoid arthritis. Intravenous administration of L-lysine aescinat against the background of the basic therapy resulted significant (p <0,05) improvement of the vascular wall state (increases endothelium-dependent vasodilation).
Conclusion. In patients with combined pathology we revealed more severe endothelial dysfunction than for each individual disease. For correction of endothelial function in the background of the basic therapy of both diseases it is expedient to use the L-lysine aescinat.

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