The influence of f-chanels of sinus node cells in patients with coronary artery disease and different heart rate or lipid metabolism parameters
The aim: to determine the influence of f-chanels of sinus node cells in patients with coronary artery disease and different heart rate or lipid metabolism parameters.
Metods. Lipid profile parameter were determined by ELISA-metods.
Results. Results of the blood lipid profile assessment in patients with stable angina II–III FC. Patients were randomized into groups according to the heart rate. It was established that under the impact of treatment positive trends in the change of blood lipid profile were registered in all groups, thus in percent ratio positive changes were recorded in the group with increased heart rate managed with combined therapy including f-channel blockers on the background of standard treatment according to the guidelines for medical care management. In 2 other groups less significant decrease of the lipid metabolism values was registered, thus initial data in those groups were significantly lower in comparison with the 1st group.
Conclusions. Effective decrease ofheart rate in patient with coronary artery disease causes sufficient decrease of proatherogenic and increase of antiatherogenic fractions of lipoproteins.

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