Pathogenesis and ways of correcting anemia syndrome in patients with chronic heart failure


О. В. Долинна


Investigation is devoted to study of a concretization of anemic syndrome structure, iron deficiency role in disturbances of clinichomodynamic status according to progression of chronic heart failure (CHF) and severity of anemia and therapy optimization. In patients with CHF with increasing of clinical symptoms of CHF the levels of hemoglobin, and serum iron were decreasing. In pathogenetic structure there was a iron deficiency anemia (IDA). With increasing severity of anemic syndrome there was a progressing of pathological myocardial dysfunction. Iron drug Sufer helped to improve both clinical and laboratory parameters. There was a significant increase in the level of hemoglobin, ferritin and iron in the blood plasma. The regression of clinical manifestations of the disease, such as pain in the heart, headache, weakness, fatigue, was observed. High efficacy and safety of the drug Sufer allow to recommend it as the drug of choice for iron-deficiency anemia caused by chronic heart failure.


How to Cite
Долинна, О. В. (2016). Pathogenesis and ways of correcting anemia syndrome in patients with chronic heart failure. Family Medicine, (1(63), 58–62.
Author Biography

О. В. Долинна, Національний медичний університет імені О.О. Богомольця, м. Київ

О.В. Долинна


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