New method for the treatment autoimmune process


Б. А. Герасун
Р. Ю. Грицко
О. Б. Герасун
Р. А. Копець


The article is a review of our own investigation on intradermal immu nization with inactivated autoleukocytes as a personified method of cell therapy. The method is used for treatment of autoimmune processes and stimulation of antiviral immunity. The obtained results prove that autoleukocyte immunization inhibits autoimmune processes, particu larly the ones typical for chronic viral hepatitis: synthesis of antinuclear antibodies, antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroperoxidase, cryoglob ulins is reduced. Slowing of anti thyroid immune process decreases threat of thyroiditis development. Cold tolerance improves; signs of systemic vasculitis, kidney insufficiency weaken or disappear, sper matogenesis indices become normal in men with idiopathic oligo and azoospermia due to inhibition of synthesis of cryoglobulins. Thus, cryo globulins of the 2nd and 3rd types were detected in a third of patients with idiopathic oligo and azoospermia. Under the influence of immunization amount of spermatozoa increased to 20 mln/ml in most patients (85.71%), their motility and percentage of normal shapes improved. Autoleukocyte immunization promoted a significant decrease in high activity level of pro inflammatory TNF alpha cytokine in all examined patients with psoriasis. Presence of viral components in leukocytes enables to use cells as a curative vaccine. It is confirmed by treatment efficacy of frequently recurrent herpes – stable remission was achieved in 78.12% of patients. Efficacy of treatment is explained by the influence of autoreactive cells on activity of lymphocyte mediated immune response, injected cells provoke a response in the form of lym phocyte generation, which acts on them in a suppressive and cytotoxic way. Cross reaction by means of partial identity of antigenic structures is also important. Load of leukocytes with antigens of disease causing agent is also important for the treatment of recurrent herpes.


How to Cite
Герасун, Б. А., Грицко, Р. Ю., Герасун, О. Б., & Копець, Р. А. (2016). New method for the treatment autoimmune process. Family Medicine, (2(64), 47–51.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Б. А. Герасун, Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила Галицького

B.A. Herasun

Р. Ю. Грицко, Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила Галицького

R.Y. Hrytsko

О. Б. Герасун, Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила Галицького

O.B. Herasun

Р. А. Копець, Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила Галицького

B.A. Kopec


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